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Corrine Mill BA Hons, MBA, DHP Acc Hyp.

What does it feel like to be hypnotised?


One of the first questions most people will have when considering hypnotherapy for the first time is, what does it feel like and how will I know if I was hypnotised or not?


If you have ever watched a film which lasted over an hour and it only felt like 20 mins the chances are you have been so engrossed in the film that you were in a trance like state.  This is an immersive experience some people still hear every thing that is said to them and others can not remember a thing.  The main thing to know is that your subconscious mind will hear everything that I say and is in full control of what it will accept and what it will reject.


On awakening from a hypnotic trance clients report feelings of being totally relaxed and in a calm and rested state of mind.



Millbrook Hypnotherapy

Corrine Mill DHP. Acc. Hyp 

Tel 07754 590289


Orchard Barns

Station Road


North East Lincs

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic practice that through guided hypnosis enables individuals enter a trance-like state characterised by focused concentration and heightened suggestibility. During this state, clients become more receptive to ideas and images, allowing them to explore their inner thoughts and feelings. A Hypnotherapist can assists clients in relaxing and turning their attention inward, enabling them to tap into their own resources for achieving behavioural changes or managing pain.


Over time, clients learn to control their states of awareness, which empowers them to better manage their physical and psychological responses.  Throughout this process the client remains in control and will only accept suggestions that are beneficial to them.


How can it help me?

Hypnotherapy has been clinically proven to help with stress and anxiety related conditions including sleep problems, phobias, blushing to mention a few.  Hypnotherapy can also be used successfully to change behaviours and break habits for instance smoking cessation and stop drinking.


Can everyone be hypnotised?

All Hypnosis is self-hypnosis, the truth is you will only be hypnotised if you want to be there are three things that will ensure a successful session and they are you have to: 

Want it  (be motivated)

expect it (believe it will happen)

and let it happen (you have to allow it as you are in control).


Corrine Mill DHP ACC Hyp. offers a free telephone consultation before you book a session to ensure hypnotherapy is the right course of therapy for you.

In addition the first session is 90 minutes long to allow enough time to be able to after the session create a full treatment plan.




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